Pull up a seat. Sit awhile. Take a load off. This is the best place to find out about all of my current and upcoming comic-oriented projects. You’ve found the comic book home of James Burns, graphic designer and artist. If you're looking for James' graphic design site, please follow this link.
If you’d like to see some process drawings (pencils, time-lapse videos...), be sure to follow me on Instagram.
My latest comic book

Some sad news...
I’ve been diagnosed with stage IV prostate cancer.
It’s a lot to deal with, but as someone who's always tried to create autobiographical comics, it’s also an opportunity to try to record this experience. Maybe someone might find it useful, musing, or possibly informative.
It’s 60 pages total. You can see some sample pages here and it’s now currently available for free on Kindle Unlimited.
I’ll also soon be on Indyplanet.com and you can also download a PDF here.
How did I start making comics?
I've always enjoyed comics as a medium, from childhood to the present day. There's something about storytelling with words and pictures that I find very compelling, and I always wanted to do it myself. But I never had a story I wanted to tell.
Then in 2002, I was diagnosed with a detached retina, which threatened my eyesight. After recovering, and at age 45, I wrote and drew my first comic book, Detached, about that experience and since then I've started doing commercial illustration, as well as creating the weekly comic strip Grumbles.
What you'll find here
Here you'll find links to all my comics (including Grumbles), my gallery of comic-oriented images, a series of tutorials about comics, comic-oriented links, a way to get in touch with me, and lastly, my ongoing comic about my prostate cancer.